Thursday, September 8th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, with 25lb weight vests
1 min bike/ 1 min squats - 2 rounds + squats to 100
20/10 tabata lunge shoulder raise - 8 rounds
20/10 tabata bike/ rope pull - 2 rounds
Brutal! The bike is pure suffocation.
11AM, Annenberg with Kris
1 mile swim - 30 mins
47 min run
Sunday, September 5th, 2016
8PM, Burn 60, 1 hour
0.5 @8.0/ 25 push pike/ 50 row/ 10sx 45lb kb
3 rounds: 39:46
20 mins karate
Monday, August 28th, 2016
915AM, LockBox, 26 mins
Mace and Karate
11AM, Malibu with Kris
1 mile swim in 32 mins
Sunday, August 28th, 2016
1PM, LockBox, ~1 hr
Mace and Kata
8PM, Burn 60 with Andrew, <40 mins
0.5 miles @8.0/ 10,10x GU/ 50x Body Rows/ 10sx 45lb kb
2 rounds
The get ups were tough after 5 reps
Thursday-Saturday, August 25th-27th, 2016
2x swims/ 2x trail runs/ 1x bike ride
Saturday, August 20th, 2016
730AM, Jog to LockBox, <30 mins
1030, Jog to WeHo Burn 60, <30 mins
12PM, Burn 60, 39 mins
5,5x GU/ 5x TUR/ 10sx 45lb kb/ 10x Hoists
<30 min jog home
Wednesday, August 17th, 2016
9AM, LockBox, 40 mins
10lb maces/ 20lb mace/ 25 lb mace/ kata
12PM, WeHo Pool, 37 min swim with Kris
Sunday, August 14th, 2016
1030AM, Gym with Steve, Kris and Tara, +25lb vest
40 deep squats/ 20 lunges/ 10 bounds
4x TUR/ 6x Hoist/ 8x Renegades/ 10x gorilla swings
2 rounds @8+ mins each round
Absolutely horrible workout. TURs were the heaviest I have ever felt. The hoist was brutal. The renegades had no end.
4,10 fat-thin rope pull ups/ med ball push ups/ Bosu balance/ KB single leg RDL
Great workout! Dry heaved and had a headache for a while afterwards.
12PM, Malibu, 38 mins swim with Kris, 1 mile
Friday, August 12th, 2016
7PM, Burn 60
0.25 @ 9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 Bag GU/ 5s x50lb KB (swing-hp-clean-front/side/full snatch)/ 5x Hoist
3 rounds <30 mins
Round 2 broke me but I rallied to finish under 30 mins on the last round
Thursday, August 11th, 2016
715AM, Gym with Steve
5x 90lb renegades/ 10x 55lb bent over rows/ 15x 35lb curls/ 20x seated bent over lateral raises
2 rounds
Total burnout. Down to 4 reps at a time on the last set of raises!
Tuesday, August 9th, 2016
11AM, 25 min jog
315PM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins + weight vest
Lunge down driveway (20s)/ bound back (10s)
15x MedBall push/ Fat/ Thin Rope pull ups/ 5x 2 push renegades
2 rounds
5PM Burn 60, 30 mins
0.5 miles @9.0/ 25 push pike/ 50 rows/ 10sx 45lb kb
2 rounds
Monday, August 8th, 2016
9AM, LockBox, 35 mins
100x mace/ rope climb/ ring swing/ Bulgarian bag/ kata/ 20x 80lb bag lunges/ 2x 100lb bag runs
2 rounds
Sunday, August 7th, 2016
3PM, Burn 60, 38:50
1 mile @ 8.0/ 25 push pike/ 50 rows
4 rounds dropping 0.25 distance every time (0.75/0.5/0.25)
Thursday, August 4th, 2016
1030AM, LockBox
Mace/ Kata ~45 mins
12PM, 20 min swim at WeHo pool with Kris
5PM Burn 60 with Kris and Andrew, 30 mins
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016
9AM, LockBox
Club/ Mace/ Kata ~20 mins
8PM, Swim with Andrew and Kris
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016
1030AM, Ocean swim with Kris, ~13 mins
445PM Burn 60
0.25 mile @9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 Bag GU/ 6sx 45lb kb - 2 rounds @ 10 mins per round
~20 mins kata
Monday, August 1st, 2016
9AM, LockBox, 30 mins
Kata/ Club/ Mace
12PM WeHo pool, 10 mins swim
4PM, 37 mins
1,000 reps with 15lb mace
Sunday, July 31st, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
0.5 mile jog
10 squats/ 10 burpees/ 10 lunges/ 10 jump-lunge-squat/ 50 sit ups + weight vest
2 rounds
0.5 mile jog
2.5 mile jog ~25 mins
~30 min swim with Andrew
2.5 mile jog ~30 mins
Saturday, July 30th, 2016
8AM, LockBox with Steve, 30 mins
Mace/ Bulgarian bag/ Club
7PM, Burn 60, ~1 hr
0.25 miles @9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5x Bag GU/ 10x 1.5 pood dwing/ 10x 2 pood swing/ 10s 45lb kb singles/ 50 rows/ 10x Hoist
2 rounds @ 15 mins each
Karate - 30 mins
Thursday, July 28th, 2016
3PM, Gym with Steve, ~22 mins
60 sec rope pull/ 10 pull ups/ 5 Renegades/ 60 sec punching bag/ 10x med ball push ups off bench
3 rounds
8PM, Burn 60 with Andrew, 30 mins
0.25 @ 8.0/ 5,5 Bag GU/ 25 slow body rows/ 10,10x 45lb kb clean + press
3 rounds + 50 push ups
Wednesday, July 27th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins + weight vest
50 deep squats/ 50 lunges/ 50 sit up-leg raise
2 rounds
Sunday, July 17th, 2016
8PM, Burn 60, 27:28
25 push pike/ 50 rows/ 0.25 @ 10.0
4 rounds
Tuesday, July 12th, 2016
4PM, LockBox with Pooch
15 pull ups/ 10x push dip/ Tug of War/ Ring swing/ Elastic slams/ 500m ski
Sunday, June 19th, 2016
1130AM, Gym with Steve, 22 mins + 25lb weight vest
100 straight deep squats/ 5x 20 lunges (10 sec breaks)/ 30-30-20-20: Sit ups/Leg Raises
630PM, LockBox, 45 mins
21 mins club/ mace/ karate
22 mins:: 2 rounds =>
500m ski/ 20 pull ups/ 10x push pike + 5 rope slams/ 50 elastic rope slams/ 10x 20lb slamball/ 15x ring row/ 10x 10lb slamball
Hot as hell. Got a headache halfway through.
Saturday, June 18th, 2016
815AM, LockBox, ~1 hr
40x 15lb mace 360/ 20 cal ski/ 20 pull ups/ 20 push ups/ 20x kb swings/ sled push/ 40x 15lb mace 180
3 rounds, 10 mins per round
Boxing with Matt
Thursday, June 16th, 2016
445PM, Burn60 with Andrew and Kris, 40 mins
0.25 @ 9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 50lb kb GU/ 5s double 45lb kb/ 50 body rows
3 rounds
Round 1 & 2 = 10 mins each. Round 3 we added some movements in and took our time
Tuesday, June 14th, 2016
8AM, LockBox, ~2 hrs
Club/ Mace/ Rope climbs/ Karate
5PM, Burn60, 30 mins
0.25 @ 8.0/ 4x TUR/ 4,4 Bag GU/ 4s double 45lb kb/ 4x Hoist/ 25 body rows
3x 10 min rounds
Absolutely exhausted during workout!
Monday, June 13th, 2016
445AM, Burn60, 30 mins
0.25 @ 9.0/ 5x 75lb renegades/ 5x bal slams/ 5,5 KB GU/ 10 ball slams/ 5s x 40lb kb doubles
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~15 mins
50 squats/ 1 min rope pull
1/2 Walk of death + 10 push 10 pull x2
5x TUR/ 5,5 KB pull squat press/ 5x Sasquatch swing
Monday, May 31st, 2016
7AM, Gym with Steve, 25 mins + weight vest, 14:30
Tabata Sets
Squats/ Sit ups - Leg Raises/ Push Ups - Rope pull/ KB jumping jacks
Walk 1/2 driveway + 10 renegades/ Walk back + 10 renegades
Felt sick and nearly puked after I put the dbs down. Very tough workout.
Tuesday, June 7th, 2016
645AM, LockBox, 5 mins
Karate/ Mace/ Club
930AM, Burn60, Class
12AM, Pool with Kris, ~30 mins
Laps/ KB swings/ 30l ball slams/ Muscle ups out of the pool
445PM, Burn60, 35 mins
1/4 mile run @9.0/ 10x TUR/ 10x Hoist/ 4,4 GU/ 6s x Double 45lb KB/ 30x rows
3 rounds - The KB sets were the worst I've ever done
Monday, May 31st, 2016
7AM, Gym with Steve, 25 mins
10x weight vest burpees
Walk of death + 3 push/4 pull 20 yard renegades - 11 mins+
30x pull ups/ 60x 15lb db shoulder raises
Longest walk of death we have ever done! Took forever. Steve dropped the the weights on the way down, Left db woeked it's way down to my fingertips so I had to run to the bottom before I dropped it!
830AM, LockBox, ~40 mins
25x [Row cals/ pull ups/ push pikes/ body rows/ bike cals/ ski cals] - 2 rounds in 22:43
Kata/ Club/ Mace
4PM, Burn60, 35 mins
1/4 mile run @9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 GU/ 10x Hoist/ 50x rows/ 10x push through
3 rounds
Sunday, May 29th, 2016
7AM, Burn60, 40 mins
0.5 mile run/ 10x 75lb renegades/ 3,3x 56lb kb get ups/ 10x 20lb ball slams/ 10x single kb combos
3 rounds
Saturday, May 28th, 2016
7AM, UCLA with Steve, ~20 mins
Thursday, May 26th, 2016
1030AM, Burn60, 20 mins
45lb kb double and single 10 rep combinations
Bulgarian bag combinations
430PM, 35 mins run
Run from LockBox to Burn60
515PM, Burn60, 24 mins
5x TUR/ 5,5 GU (2 with 50lb bag, 3 with 50lb kb)/ 10x Bulgarian bag grip squats ~5 mins per round
10 mins kata
Tuesday, May 24th, 2016
1015AM, LockBox
3 min plank/ 5:48, 100 cals on ski
15 pull ups/ 5x 100lb renegades/ 10x 60lb db snatch
12PM, Ballet Bodies
1 hour stretch with Romi
430PM, Burn60, 30 mins
0.25 @8.0/ 10x Bulgarian bag drop squats/ 10x 45lb kb singles/ 10x hoist/ 10x kb doubles/ 20x Bulgarian bag 360
2 rounds @ 15:00 per round
Monday, May 23rd, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins
Tabata - Rope pull/ Gorilla KB Deep Swing/ Jump rope - Sit ups/ Leg raises
2x - 5x 110lb TUR/ 5x 50lb Bag Snatch
12PM, LockBox, 20 mins
Mace/ Club/ Karate
6PM, LockBox, 25 mins
5 min sets: Ski (75 cals)/ Blue KB/ Club/ Mace/ Karate
Sunday, May 22nd, 2016
1015AM, UCLA with Steve, ~25 mins
3x10 Ring pull lift/ 3x20 Push Ups
Couple of 200s and 100s.
Tough comeback to the track.
Saturday, May 21st, 2016
10AM, LockBox, 50 mins
Mace/ Club/ Karate
25/20/15/10/5 - Cals and reps. - Row/ Pull/ Push/ Bike/ Ski
Broke the 30 min barrier!!!!! Last round hurt!
Thursday, May 19th, 2016
420PM, Burn60 with Thomas
0.25 miles/ 5 TUR/ 5,5 GU/ 5 Hoist - 4 rounds in 19:15
Excruciating by round 3.
kb and double kb combinations/ Bulgarian bag - 20 mins
Wednesday, May 18th, 2016
1130AM, LockBox
25x - cals row/ pull ups/ push ups/ bike/ ski - 20/15/10/5 - 34 mins
Tuesday, May 17th, 2016
945AM, LockBox
25x - cals row/ pull ups/ push ups/ bike/ ski - 20/15/10/5 - 36 mins
445PM, Burn60, 29 mins
0.25 @ 8.0/ 5 TUR/ 5,5 GU/ 25 Rows/ 10 Hoist/ 10x Long Swing
Monday, May 16th, 2016
530PM, LockBox, 39 mins
25x - cals row/ pull ups/ push ups/ bike/ ski
30+ min run to Burn60 + 45 min class with Rebecca
Monday, May 9th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~15 mins + 25lb weight vest
120 yards of lunges downhill/ 5 push + 1 burpee plus 10 bounds uphill 120 yards
kb farmers
245PM, Burn60 with Kris, 40+ mins
0.25 sprint/ 20x push up variation/ 10x 25lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 45lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 10,10 single arm rows
0.25 sprint/ 20x push up variation/ 10x 30lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 50lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 10,10 single arm rows
0.25 sprint/ 20x push up variation/ 5x 25lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 30lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 45lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 5x 50lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 10,10 single arm rows
It all fell apart on the second round. First round was finished under 10 mins. Supposed to do 4 rounds but we couldn't finish. The push up combinations killed us.
Sunday, May 8th, 2016
7PM, Burn60, ~1 hour
0.25 @9.0/ double kb combos/ push combos
0.25 @9.0/ Kata
0.5 @ 9.0/ double kb combos/ push combos
1 mile @ 9.0 (finished at 12.5) - 6:38
Friday, May 6th, 2016
615AM, Gym with Steve, <25 mins
Tabata - Sit ups/ push ups x4-Leg raises/ push ups x4: + 25lb weight vest
90lb db 120 yard Walk of death (1:15/ 120 yard walk stopping every 20 yards for 5x push ups + 1x burpee
5x 110lb Sandbag TUR
- 2 Sets with a hold on the last rep.
Very tough workout. Almost immediate failure on the push ups. Completely hunched over and down to my fingertips for grip on the last few steps of the walk of death. Steve held the bag overhead for over 40 seconds on the last rep of the workout.
5PM, Burn 60 with Andrew, 21 mins
0.25 miles @9.0/ 20x 30lb kb double combos (clean-snatch-clean and snatch alternate high hand/ 5x GU/ 10x Hoist - 3 rounds
6PM, Burn60 class by Andrew, 45 mins
1x 15.0 sprint for about 40 seconds. Great class!
Thursday, May 5th, 2016
930AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins
Tabata sets (20/10) - 14kg kb push press/ jump rope (8 sets total: alternating) + weight vest
20x Single 12kg kb walking lunge +weight vest/ 20x walking lunge
10x pull ups/ 30 sec rope pull/ 10x 90lb rows - 3 rounds
Intended to do another round of push ups but had to give up at the end.
445PM, Burn 60 with Kris and Andrew, 40 mins
1/4 mile @ 9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5x Bag GU/ 10x Hoist/ 50x Row
4x 10 min rounds
Thomas was supposed to join but he slept in.......
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016
645AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins + weight vest
Tabata sets (20/10)
Squats x8 (continuous)::8.0 Run/ Heavy Bag (4/4 continuous)
14kg kb push press/ Jump rope (4/4 alternating)::Sit ups/ Leg raises (4,4 alternating)
KB push presses were truly awful. Had to stop every 5 to 6 reps!
430PM, Burn60 with Kris, 42 mins
0.5 miles @8.0/ 10x TUR/ 20x Hoist/ 5,5x 45lb kb gu+4 combos/ 100 pulls
2 rounds. Tough workout. Not fun.
Monday, May 2nd, 2016
830AM, LockBox, ~1-1/2 hrs
~30 mins run to gym
1 min ski/ 50,50x single arm rope slams/ 15 push pike/ 15 pull ups/ 30 sec assault bike
<7 mins per round/ 4 rounds
~30 mins run home
Sunday, May 1st, 2016
6PM, UCLA with Steve and Janet, ~30 mins
3x 10 ring pull throughs
4x 100m/ 3x 200m
730PM, Burn60, 60 mins
0.5 miles @8.0/ 30x body row/ 5,5x kb GU/ 15,15x single arm row/ 10x 75lb renegades/ 5s kb single arm combos
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016
830AM, LockBox, 45 mins
box jumps/ring push/ ring pull/ cross hand pull ups/ kb single combos/ 2kb goblets/ kb renegades/ dead hang/ farmer walk
15 mins per round/ 3 rounds
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016
1045AM, LockBox, 1 hour 15 mins
500m row/ ball throw + slam every target - 2 rounds - 15 mins
500m row/ 4x mu-pull combo/ 15x moving water bag/ kb moving combo - 2 rounds - 15 mins
15 mins karate/ 15 min ski/ 15 min stretch
445PM, Burn60 with Thomas and Travell, 43 mins
0.5 miles @8.0/ 10x TUR/ 8,8x GU/ 20x Hoist
3 rounds
Round 2 was absolutely brutal!
Monday, April 25th, 2016
430PM, LockBox, 38 mins
10 cal assault bike/ 15 body rows/ 5 plate stand/ 10 pull ups/ 5 push dip - 3 rounds @ 5 mins per round
5x 60lb renegades/ 2x mu/ 10x 45lb db snatch/ 10x leg raise/ 10x single arm row rotate - 3 rounds in 14 mins
2 minsx :row/ plank/ ski/ jump rope
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
445PM, Burn60 with Kris, 25 mins
10x Goblets/ TUR walk/ 20x 50lb kb snatches/ 20x double 45lb kb cleans/ TUR Walk
5 rounds at 5 mins per round
Last round was tough
6PM, Burn60
Kris's class
Monday, April 18th, 2016
10AM, LockBox, ~20 mins
1,000m row <4 mins/ 2x rope climbs/ Bag drags/ MU combinations/ 10x 45lb plate sled push
430PM, Gym with Steve, 12 mins
20/10 Tabata - 8 consecutive rounds
Jump rope/ rope pull/ sit up-leg raise
Friday, April 15th, 2016
430PM, Gym with Steve and Kris, 20 mins
+ 25lb weight vest
3x Bag GU/ 5x TUR/ 10x Sasquatch DeepSwing/ 5x wall walk + hold
3x ~6 min rounds
Thursday, April 14th, 2016
8PM, Burn60 with Thomas
0.25 mile @ 9.0/ 5x 100lb sandbag TUR/ 5,5x 50lb sandbag GU/ 5x 100lb sandbag Hoist
The plan was to do 4 rounds in under 20 mins but we weren't sure if it could actually be done.
4 rounds in 19:40/ (Thomas in 21:22)
Round 3 was brutal. Last round was no fun either:)
Monday, April 11th, 2016
445PM, Burn60, ~22 mins
0.25 mile/ 4x TUR/ 4,4 x GU/ 4x Hoist
Round 1: 7:00/ Round 2: 6:00/ Round 3: 5:00/ Round 4: 25
A potential 40 min workout cut in half!
Sunday, April 10th, 2016
3PM, Burn60, ~50 mins
1 mile @8.0/ 10x kb GU/ 10x 20lb ball slams/ 10x 75lb renegades/ 10x kb combos
Round 1: 22 mins
Round 2: 25 mins
Saturday, April 9th, 2016
1015AM, LockBox, ~21 mins
150m ski/ 10 cals assault bike/ 5s kb/ 10x rings: dip-pull-push
3 rounds @ ~7 mins per round
Thursday, April 7th, 2016
815AM, LockBox, 30 mins
+ weight vest
10 knee tap push up/ 10 body rows/ 5,5,5 ball slams/ 10 goblet squats/ 10 pull ups/ 50 step kb farmer/ bear crawl/ 10 lunges/ 10 squats
3 rounds @ <10 mins per round
Tuesday, April 5th, 2016
4PM, Burn 60
16 min run to work
10x TUR/ Hoist/ GU + 9x TUR/ Hoist/ GU - 20 mins for 76 reps
Monday, April 4th, 2016
11AM, LockBox with Kris, ~40 mins
5 reps
Single arm pull ups/ Single arm rows/ double kb combos/ single kb combos/ muscle ups/ tug of war/ calories on airdyne
2 rounds
Kris ripped his hand apart on the 2nd round
Saturday, April 2nd, 2016
8AM, 3.6 mile run to work ~30 mins
9AM, LockBox, 30 mins
6x 5 min rounds
Combinations of:: kb/ dead hang/ body row /body lowering
1215PM, 3.6 mile run home ~40 mins
Monday, April 4th, 2016
11AM, LockBox with Kris, ~40 mins
5 reps
Single arm pull ups/ Single arm rows/ double kb combos/ single kb combos/ muscle ups/ tug of war/ calories on airdyne
2 rounds
Kris ripped his hand apart on the 2nd round
Saturday, April 2nd, 2016
8AM, 3.6 mile run to work ~30 mins
9AM, LockBox, 30 mins
6x 5 min rounds
Combinations of:: kb/ dead hang/ body row /body lowering
1215PM, 3.6 mile run home ~40 mins
Friday, March 26th, 2016
11AM, Gym with Steve, 26 mins
6PM, Burn60, Class by Andrew
Thursday, March 25th, 2016
430PM, Ballet Bodies with Romi, 40 mins
6's - 4 rounds - 10 mins per round
0.5 miles @8.0/ 6x TUR throw/ 3,3 Bag GU/ 6x KB single arm - 2 rounds
0.5 miles @8.0/ 6x Hoist/ 3,3 Bag GU/ 6x KB single arm - 2 rounds
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016
11AM, Ballet Bodies with Romi, 1 hour
5PM, Burn60, 30 mins
1/4 mile @ 8.0/ 4x TUR/ 4,4 Bag GU/ 4,4,4 Ball Slams
4 rounds, ~7-1/2 mins per round
Monday, March 21st, 2016
1045AM, LockBox, >30 mins
250 m row/ 25,25,25 rope slams/ 25 ring rows/ 25 kb swings/ 2x mu/ sled push/ bear crawl/ crab walk
+ one set of 5x wall walk to push
3 rounds
610PM, LockBox, 1:34:55 ski
20,017 metres
Blisters on both hands afterwards. Not fun.
Sunday, March 20th, 2016
1230PM, Burn60 class with Steve, 20 mins
20/ 10 Tabata - 4 consecutive sets
Deep swing/ TUR/ Renegade burpees
3x 1 min sprints with 30 sec recovery
20/10 Tabata - - 4 consecutive sets
Pull ups/ push ups/ jump lunges
Sick afterwards and had a headache.
Tuesday, March 15th, 2016
630AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
+25 lb weight vest
5x TUR/ 10x Deep swing/ 3 push renegades/ 2x kb push press
2 rounds.
The TUR sets were the worst I have ever done. Renegades were also brutal - we started out doing 5 pushes but had to drop to 3. Weight vest changes everything.
5PM, Burn 60, 29 mins
0.25 @ 8.5/ 10 hoists/ 10 TUR throws/ 5,5 GU
3 rounds (10/10/9)
Monday, March 14th, 2016
11AM, LockBox, 30 mins
4x wall walk handstand push/ 8x box jumps/ 8x ring push/ 8x 20lb ball throws/ 8x bar push dip/ 300m row ~ 1 min
4 rounds
6PM, LockBox, 36 mins work
500m ski/ 2 min jump rope/ 10 rep combos with 24kg kb
4 rounds <9 mins each
2nd and 4th round wearing elevation mask
Saturday, March 12th, 2016
1030AM, LockBox
5,000m ski - 21:45
Friday, March 11th, 2016
715 AM, Gym with Steve, ~12 mins
20 sec on/10 sec off
Lunge downhill/ Burpee walk back up
Walk of death down and up
10AM, LockBox
5 pull ups/ 10 push ups/ 15 squats - 10 rounds in 10 mins (first 5 rounds with weight vest)
50 sec ski/ 50 sec kb swing (30 swings) - 5 rounds in 10 mins
Thursday, March 10th, 2016
430PM, Burn60
0.25 miles @ 8.0/ 10x Hoist/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 x GU
3 rounds @ ~10 mins per round, ~30 mins + 0.25 mile finish
Wednesday, March 9th, 2016
11AM, LockBox
15x pull ups/ 10x box jumps/ 25x body rows/ 5x 45lb plate floor to ovh/ 1x slow mu + 1x mu/ 5x single arm kb combos/ 1 min kb farmer hold/ 1 min ski
3 rounds @ ~10 mins per round, ~30 mins
Monday, March 7th, 2016
11AM, LockBox
10x leg raises/ 10x kb bench/ 15x pull ups/ 20x body rows/ 15x kb swing
3 rounds @ 5 mins per round, ~15 mins
Plate push-up jump to rotate press/ 5,5x 16kg kb bench to standing press/ 5x double kb combinations/ 2x hand release slow ring MU/ 1 min kb farmer hold
3 rounds @ 7 mins per round, ~21 mins
Plate exercise was brand new, as was kb bench to standing press!
Thursday, March 3rd, 2016
10AM, LockBox, ~25 mins
30 elastic rope slams/ 10x double kb combinations/ 1x slow ring MU
3 or 4 rounds, can't remember.
415PM, Burn60, 40 mins
0.25 @8.0 run/ 5x TUR/ 6x Hoist/ 4,4x Bag GU/ 10x gorilla deep swing/ 5x gorilla long swing
4 rounds
Felt weak on the run.
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, <20 mins
Lunge down driveway/ bound back up (56 bounds)
10x10 hand release push ups
Tuesday, March 1st, 2016
10AM, LockBox, 30 mins
500m row< 2 mins/ 25 ring rows/ 5x 20lb ball slams/ rope climb/ 10x push-dip/ 3x45lb sled push/ 2x Ring MU
3 rounds
11AM, Ballet, 1 hour
430PM, Burn60, 40 mins
0.25 miles @8.0/ 5x TUR/ 4x Hoist/ 3,3 GU/ 10x 20lb side2side slams/ 5'sx Orangutan KB
4 rounds @ 10 mins per round
Monday, February 29th, 2016
11AM, LockBox, 30 mins
500m row<2 mins/ 10x 30lb ball throws/ 10x kb renegades/ 20x 45lb plate rotate push/ 1 min kb farmer hold
3 rounds
Saturday, February 27th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve
20x kb push press/ 10x sit ups/ 10x leg raises/ 20x 90lb db rows/ 20x alternating 55lb db bent over rows
3rounds @ 3 mins per round
+ 10x everything + 10 sit ups
300 reps.
Monday, February 22nd, 2016
815PM, Burn60 with Kris and Ella, 34:15
0.25 mile sprint/ 10x renegades (alternating between 45 or 40lb db)/ 10x 20lb ball slams/ 5x kb combos (alternating between heavy & light)
5 rounds
KB grip was excruciating by the end of each first set.
Sunday, February 21st, 2016
8AM, SM Stairs with Steve, ~30 mins
25lb weight vests/ run-2 step stairs-30 lunges-3 rounds
Saturday, February 20th, 2016
630AM, Sunset run with Josh, 51 mins
Hard pace. I mistakenly thought that due to his injuries Josh would be slower than me. Big mistake!
1230PM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
10x Straight arm KB walking lunge/ 5x bag GU/ 10x Straight arm kb stand up/ 5x 2 push renegades/ 10x 55lb bent over row
2 rounds
6x TUR with 2x 10 sec holds
Left then right for the first three exercises. Really tough workout. A lot of movement.
Thursday, February 18th, 2016
615AM, Gym with Steve
5 pull ups/ 10 push ups - 10 rounds
50x squats + weight vest - 3 rounds
1 mile run in ~9 mins/ 3 min jump rope/ 2 min plank
415PM, Burn60, 32 mins
0.5 mile run/ 40lb kb combinations (swing-pull-clean-snatch)/ 30lb 2xkb combinations (swing-pull-clean)
3 rounds
Wednesday, February 17th, 2016
715AM, LockBox
2,000m ski
430PM, Burn 60, ~30 mins
0.5 mile run/ 5x TUR/ 10x Hoist/ 20x Gorilla swing/ 20 push pike
Tuesday, February 16th, 2016
715AM, Gym with Steve, 20 mins
20/10 - Rope pull-jump rope - 4 rounds
5x TUR/ Hoist/ Renegades/Sasquatch Deep Swing - 1 round
915AM, LockBox, ~50 mins
Waterbag/ Box jumps/ leg raises/ farmers/ swings/ spidermans/ shadow boxing/ gas mask/ jump rope
430PM, Burn 60, 45 mins
0.5 mile run/ 5x TUR/ 3,3x Bag GU/2,2x Orangutan Bell GU/ 5x Hoist/ 10x Gorilla (deep swing)
3 rounds + 0.5 mile finish
Tough but not excruciating.
Thursday, February 11th, 2016
845AM, LockBox
5,000m ski in 21:44
4PM, Burn 60, 45 mins (+15 min run to gym)
5x TUR/ 3,3x Bag GU/ 5x Hoist/ 10x Gorilla (long swing alt deep swing)/ 0.25 miles @10.0
3 rounds
Wednesday, February 10th, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
25lb weight vest hell
Lunges down driveway/ bounds back up (53 bounds)
2x20x90lb db rows
Dry heaved afterwards.
Tuesday, February 9th, 2016
430PM, Burn 60, 41 mins
0.25 miles @10.0/ 10x TUR/ 4x Bear crawl/ 5,5 Bag GU/ 10x Hoist
3 rounds
+20 min run to work
Monday, February 8th, 2016
3PM, Gym with Steve, 20 mins
Push ups on 3 med balls/ Pull up hold/ KB push press
6 rounds
6PM, LockBox, ~40 mins
1 min jump rope/ Sled pull/ 500m ski/ 25-25 kb swings/ sled power push
3 rounds
Wednesday, February 10th, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
25lb weight vest hell
Lunges down driveway/ bounds back up (53 bounds)
Can't remember the rest but it was bad.
Tuesday, February 9th, 2016
430PM, Burn 60, 41 mins
0.25 miles @10.0/ 10x TUR/ 4x Bear crawl/ 5,5 Bag GU/ 10x Hoist
3 rounds
+20 min run to work
Monday, February 8th, 2016
3PM, Gym with Steve, 20 mins
Push ups on 3 med balls/ Pull up hold/ KB push press
6 rounds
6PM, LockBox, ~40 mins
1 min jump rope/ Sled pull/ 500m ski/ 25-25 kb swings/ sled power push
3 rounds
Sunday, February 7th, 2016
8AM, SM stairs with Steve, >20 mins
3x stairs + 30 lunges at the top + 25lb weight vest
Saturday, February 6th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
20/10- Squats/ Sit ups - 8 rounds
90lb db walk of death + 5 push/ 4 pull + 20 steps
Bent arm hang hold/ 55lb db bent over row - 3 rounds
30 min jog
Friday, February 5th, 2016
30 min jog
Thursday, February 4th, 2016
830AM, LockBox, ~20 mins
Ring swings/ 100lb db bear crawl/ bounds (+rotation)/ spiderman walks/ moving waterbag cleans
430PM, Burn 60, 40 mins
0.5 miles run/ 8x Hoist + 2 lunges/ 4x TUR/ 4l,r x Bag GU + 2 lunges/10x orangutan kb combinations (swing-high pull-clean-snatch)
Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016
6PM, LockBox
5,000m ski in 22:33
Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016
415PM, Burn 60
~20 min run to Burn 60.
3x ~9 min sets
5 TUR/ 10 Hoist/ 5+5 Bag GU/ 5 TUR/ 10x GorillaBell Deep Swing
5 TUR/ 5 Hoist/ 5+5 Bag GU/ 5 TUR/ 5 Hoist/ 10x GorillaBell Deep Swing
10x TUR/ 10x Hoist/ 5+5 Bag GU/ 10x GorillaBell Deep Swing
Monday, February 1st, 2016
10AM, LockBox, 15-1/2 mins
Ring Pull ups/ Toe to Rings/ Bar Crawl/ Bound
Bear crawl and bound distance decreased with every ring move.
615PM, LockBox, 20+ mins
1 min jump rope/ 1 min kb combinations.......
Finished with 3 sets using elevation mask
Sunday, January 31st, 2016
10AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
20/ 10 tabata
Squats/ jump rope/ kb deep swing/ Sit ups/ leg raises
The deep swing sequence was excruciating and almost not possible!
Thursday, January 28th, 2016
415PM, Burn60 WeHo with Kris, ~45 mins
1 mile sprint/ 6x TUR+ Throw/ 6x Hoist+ Lunge/ 6x Bag GU + 5x Squat Press
0.75 mile sprint +.........
0.5 mile sprint +..........
0.25 mile sprint to finish
No rush and enough recovery.
Sunday, January 10th, 2016
11AM, Stairs with Steve, ~24 mins
4 sets + 20 lunges + 25 push ups
25 min jog to Lockbox (3.6 miles)
10 PullUps/ 5x 20lb ball throws/ 20x ring pulls/ 5x 2-push kb renegades/ 5x 30lb ball throws/ 2x muscle ups/ 5x 45lb plate sit2stand/ 5,5 x 45lb plate rotation/ kb farmer-150m ski-kb farmer/ 10,10x kb/ 5,5x kb/ 5x 2-push 100lb db renegades
2 rounds, <20 mins each
35 min jog home
Saturday, January 2nd, 2016
930AM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
Squats/ Sit ups/ Leg raises/ kb push press/ kb squat swing/ lunges/ bounds
8x 20 secs on/10 secs off
Friday, January 1st, 2016
11AM, LockBox with Kris
500m row/ 15x band kb bench/ 50x ring row/ 50x rope slam/ plank/ 3 plate sled push/ rope climb
3 rounds.
Liam Glennon; MS, NASM, ACSM Perpetual Motion Trainingwww.perpetualmotiontraining.comPhone: (310) 270-3788
Liam GlennonSaturday, October 15th, 2016 130PM, Burn 60 with Andrew, 30 mins 0.25 run @8.0/ 10x Ball slams/ 10'sx 45lb kb/ 20x Ball slams side2 side/ 6,6 ovh kb lunges 3 roOct 15, 2016, 7:02 PMSaturday, October 15th, 2016 130PM, Burn 60 with Andrew, 30 mins 0.25 run @8.0/ 10x Ball slams/ 10'sx 45lb kb/ 20x Ball slams side2 side/ 6,6 ovh kb lunges 3 ro
Liam Glennon <>
Oct 15, 2016, 7:02 PM
to me
Saturday, October 15th, 2016
130PM, Burn 60 with Andrew, 30 mins
0.25 run @8.0/ 10x Ball slams/ 10'sx 45lb kb/ 20x Ball slams side2 side/ 6,6 ovh kb lunges
3 rounds
Tough but not rushed. Kept the runs slower because we were both tired.
Friday, October 14th, 2016
9AM, LockBox, ~1 hour
Mace + Kata
4PM, Burn 60 with Kris and Nick, 30 mins
0.25 run/ 5,5x Get Ups/ 5x TUR/ 10x Gorilla Goblet/ 20x Gorilla Swings/ 50x Rows/ 10x Hoist
3 rounds:: Round 1 - < 10 mins/ Round 2: > 10 mins/ Round 3 < 10mins
2nd round was horrendous. Slowed way down on the last run and then charged through the last round to finish first. Nick didn't finish. There were a few points within the workout where I didn't think I would finish.
Wednesday, October 12th, 2016
10AM, LockBox with Daniel
2,000m row in 8 mins.
10 kb squats/ 10 swings/ 5 kb renegades/ 10 leg raises - 3 rounds
bulgarian bag/ farmer hold/ ring hang - 2 rounds
250m ski/ kb farmer hold - 2 rounds
~45 mins
430PM, Gym with Steve
+ 25lb weight vest
5 mins
[50 squats/ 10 burpees/ 30 lunges/ 10 push ups + 15 squats] / bike - 100 calories
- weight vest
2-1/2 mins
Bike (51 calories)/ 25 squats/ 5 burpees/ 15 lunges/ 25 push ups
Tuesday, October 11th, 2016
4PM, Burn 60
0.25 @ 9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 GU/ 50 Rows/ 10sx 45lb kb/ 10x Hoist
3 rounds in 45 mins
Sunday, October 9th, 2016
4PM, Gym with Steve
2x 3 min rounds.
Airdyne/ 30 squats-20 push ups-10 burpees-10 pull ups
1st round, 60 cals + 10 squats
2nd round, 67 cals + 17 squats
Beast of a session.
Saturday, September 17th, 2016
720AM, Malibu Triathlon with Kris and Jill
Swim: 33:30
Ride: 1:35:20
Run: 55:43
Tired and sore.
Tuesday, September 13th, 2016
4PM, Burn60, 40 mins
0.25 @ 8.0/ 20 push pike/ 30 row/ 50x 30lb 2xkb combos/ 30 sec x 3 planks
4 rounds (9:30 per round + 30 seconds recovery)
Monday, September 12th, 2016
6PM, LockBox
5,000m row - 20:15
300x 20lb mace rotations
Sunday, September 11th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
1 min bike/ 1 min squats - 3 rounds (to 100 squats)
50 lunges - bike
Nasty workout.
11AM, Ocean Park, Triathlon training with Kris and Jill
1 mile swim - 20 mins/ 45 min bike/ 30 min jog
Saturday, September 10th, 2016
10AM, LockBox
1,000m row <4 mins/ 1,000m ski : 4 mins
20lb mace, 100 rep combinations - ~20 mins
8PM, Burn 60, 30 mins
0.5 miles @ 8.0/ 25 push pike/ 50x rows/ 25x Gorilla swings - 2 rounds @ 10 mins per round
10 mins karate
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Liam Glennon <> wrote:
Sunday, July 31st, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
0.5 mile jog
10 squats/ 10 burpees/ 10 lunges/ 10 jump-lunge-squat/ 50 sit ups + weight vest
2 rounds
0.5 mile jog
2.5 mile jog ~25 mins
~30 min swim with Andrew
2.5 mile jog ~30 mins
Saturday, July 30th, 2016
8AM, LockBox with Steve, 30 mins
Mace/ Bulgarian bag/ Club
7PM, Burn 60, ~1 hr
0.25 miles @9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5x Bag GU/ 10x 1.5 pood dwing/ 10x 2 pood swing/ 10s 45lb kb singles/ 50 rows/ 10x Hoist
2 rounds @ 15 mins each
Karate - 30 mins
Thursday, July 28th, 2016
3PM, Gym with Steve, ~22 mins
60 sec rope pull/ 10 pull ups/ 5 Renegades/ 60 sec punching bag/ 10x med ball push ups off bench
3 rounds
8PM, Burn 60 with Andrew, 30 mins
0.25 @ 8.0/ 5,5 Bag GU/ 25 slow body rows/ 10,10x 45lb kb clean + press
3 rounds + 50 push ups
Wednesday, July 27th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins + weight vest
50 deep squats/ 50 lunges/ 50 sit up-leg raise
2 rounds
Sunday, July 17th, 2016
8PM, Burn 60, 27:28
25 push pike/ 50 rows/ 0.25 @ 10.0
4 rounds
Tuesday, July 12th, 2016
4PM, LockBox with Pooch
15 pull ups/ 10x push dip/ Tug of War/ Ring swing/ Elastic slams/ 500m ski
Sunday, June 19th, 2016
1130AM, Gym with Steve, 22 mins + 25lb weight vest
100 straight deep squats/ 5x 20 lunges (10 sec breaks)/ 30-30-20-20: Sit ups/Leg Raises
630PM, LockBox, 45 mins
21 mins club/ mace/ karate
22 mins:: 2 rounds =>
500m ski/ 20 pull ups/ 10x push pike + 5 rope slams/ 50 elastic rope slams/ 10x 20lb slamball/ 15x ring row/ 10x 10lb slamball
Hot as hell. Got a headache halfway through.
Saturday, June 18th, 2016
815AM, LockBox, ~1 hr
40x 15lb mace 360/ 20 cal ski/ 20 pull ups/ 20 push ups/ 20x kb swings/ sled push/ 40x 15lb mace 180
3 rounds, 10 mins per round
Boxing with Matt
Thursday, June 16th, 2016
445PM, Burn60 with Andrew and Kris, 40 mins
0.25 @ 9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 50lb kb GU/ 5s double 45lb kb/ 50 body rows
3 rounds
Round 1 & 2 = 10 mins each. Round 3 we added some movements in and took our time
Tuesday, June 14th, 2016
8AM, LockBox, ~2 hrs
Club/ Mace/ Rope climbs/ Karate
5PM, Burn60, 30 mins
0.25 @ 8.0/ 4x TUR/ 4,4 Bag GU/ 4s double 45lb kb/ 4x Hoist/ 25 body rows
3x 10 min rounds
Absolutely exhausted during workout!
Monday, June 13th, 2016
445AM, Burn60, 30 mins
0.25 @ 9.0/ 5x 75lb renegades/ 5x bal slams/ 5,5 KB GU/ 10 ball slams/ 5s x 40lb kb doubles
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~15 mins
50 squats/ 1 min rope pull
1/2 Walk of death + 10 push 10 pull x2
5x TUR/ 5,5 KB pull squat press/ 5x Sasquatch swing
Monday, May 31st, 2016
7AM, Gym with Steve, 25 mins + weight vest, 14:30
Tabata Sets
Squats/ Sit ups - Leg Raises/ Push Ups - Rope pull/ KB jumping jacks
Walk 1/2 driveway + 10 renegades/ Walk back + 10 renegades
Felt sick and nearly puked after I put the dbs down. Very tough workout.
Tuesday, June 7th, 2016
645AM, LockBox, 5 mins
Karate/ Mace/ Club
930AM, Burn60, Class
12AM, Pool with Kris, ~30 mins
Laps/ KB swings/ 30l ball slams/ Muscle ups out of the pool
445PM, Burn60, 35 mins
1/4 mile run @9.0/ 10x TUR/ 10x Hoist/ 4,4 GU/ 6s x Double 45lb KB/ 30x rows
3 rounds - The KB sets were the worst I've ever done
Monday, May 31st, 2016
7AM, Gym with Steve, 25 mins
10x weight vest burpees
Walk of death + 3 push/4 pull 20 yard renegades - 11 mins+
30x pull ups/ 60x 15lb db shoulder raises
Longest walk of death we have ever done! Took forever. Steve dropped the the weights on the way down, Left db woeked it's way down to my fingertips so I had to run to the bottom before I dropped it!
830AM, LockBox, ~40 mins
25x [Row cals/ pull ups/ push pikes/ body rows/ bike cals/ ski cals] - 2 rounds in 22:43
Kata/ Club/ Mace
4PM, Burn60, 35 mins
1/4 mile run @9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 GU/ 10x Hoist/ 50x rows/ 10x push through
3 rounds
Sunday, May 29th, 2016
7AM, Burn60, 40 mins
0.5 mile run/ 10x 75lb renegades/ 3,3x 56lb kb get ups/ 10x 20lb ball slams/ 10x single kb combos
3 rounds
Saturday, May 28th, 2016
7AM, UCLA with Steve, ~20 mins
Thursday, May 26th, 2016
1030AM, Burn60, 20 mins
45lb kb double and single 10 rep combinations
Bulgarian bag combinations
430PM, 35 mins run
Run from LockBox to Burn60
515PM, Burn60, 24 mins
5x TUR/ 5,5 GU (2 with 50lb bag, 3 with 50lb kb)/ 10x Bulgarian bag grip squats ~5 mins per round
10 mins kata
Tuesday, May 24th, 2016
1015AM, LockBox
3 min plank/ 5:48, 100 cals on ski
15 pull ups/ 5x 100lb renegades/ 10x 60lb db snatch
12PM, Ballet Bodies
1 hour stretch with Romi
430PM, Burn60, 30 mins
0.25 @8.0/ 10x Bulgarian bag drop squats/ 10x 45lb kb singles/ 10x hoist/ 10x kb doubles/ 20x Bulgarian bag 360
2 rounds @ 15:00 per round
Monday, May 23rd, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins
Tabata - Rope pull/ Gorilla KB Deep Swing/ Jump rope - Sit ups/ Leg raises
2x - 5x 110lb TUR/ 5x 50lb Bag Snatch
12PM, LockBox, 20 mins
Mace/ Club/ Karate
6PM, LockBox, 25 mins
5 min sets: Ski (75 cals)/ Blue KB/ Club/ Mace/ Karate
Sunday, May 22nd, 2016
1015AM, UCLA with Steve, ~25 mins
3x10 Ring pull lift/ 3x20 Push Ups
Couple of 200s and 100s.
Tough comeback to the track.
Saturday, May 21st, 2016
10AM, LockBox, 50 mins
Mace/ Club/ Karate
25/20/15/10/5 - Cals and reps. - Row/ Pull/ Push/ Bike/ Ski
Broke the 30 min barrier!!!!! Last round hurt!
Thursday, May 19th, 2016
420PM, Burn60 with Thomas
0.25 miles/ 5 TUR/ 5,5 GU/ 5 Hoist - 4 rounds in 19:15
Excruciating by round 3.
kb and double kb combinations/ Bulgarian bag - 20 mins
Wednesday, May 18th, 2016
1130AM, LockBox
25x - cals row/ pull ups/ push ups/ bike/ ski - 20/15/10/5 - 34 mins
Tuesday, May 17th, 2016
945AM, LockBox
25x - cals row/ pull ups/ push ups/ bike/ ski - 20/15/10/5 - 36 mins
445PM, Burn60, 29 mins
0.25 @ 8.0/ 5 TUR/ 5,5 GU/ 25 Rows/ 10 Hoist/ 10x Long Swing
Monday, May 16th, 2016
530PM, LockBox, 39 mins
25x - cals row/ pull ups/ push ups/ bike/ ski
30+ min run to Burn60 + 45 min class with Rebecca
Monday, May 9th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~15 mins + 25lb weight vest
120 yards of lunges downhill/ 5 push + 1 burpee plus 10 bounds uphill 120 yards
kb farmers
245PM, Burn60 with Kris, 40+ mins
0.25 sprint/ 20x push up variation/ 10x 25lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 45lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 10,10 single arm rows
0.25 sprint/ 20x push up variation/ 10x 30lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 50lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 10,10 single arm rows
0.25 sprint/ 20x push up variation/ 5x 25lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 30lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 45lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 5x 50lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 10,10 single arm rows
It all fell apart on the second round. First round was finished under 10 mins. Supposed to do 4 rounds but we couldn't finish. The push up combinations killed us.
Sunday, May 8th, 2016
7PM, Burn60, ~1 hour
0.25 @9.0/ double kb combos/ push combos
0.25 @9.0/ Kata
0.5 @ 9.0/ double kb combos/ push combos
1 mile @ 9.0 (finished at 12.5) - 6:38
Friday, May 6th, 2016
615AM, Gym with Steve, <25 mins
Tabata - Sit ups/ push ups x4-Leg raises/ push ups x4: + 25lb weight vest
90lb db 120 yard Walk of death (1:15/ 120 yard walk stopping every 20 yards for 5x push ups + 1x burpee
5x 110lb Sandbag TUR
- 2 Sets with a hold on the last rep.
Very tough workout. Almost immediate failure on the push ups. Completely hunched over and down to my fingertips for grip on the last few steps of the walk of death. Steve held the bag overhead for over 40 seconds on the last rep of the workout.
5PM, Burn 60 with Andrew, 21 mins
0.25 miles @9.0/ 20x 30lb kb double combos (clean-snatch-clean and snatch alternate high hand/ 5x GU/ 10x Hoist - 3 rounds
6PM, Burn60 class by Andrew, 45 mins
1x 15.0 sprint for about 40 seconds. Great class!
Thursday, May 5th, 2016
930AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins
Tabata sets (20/10) - 14kg kb push press/ jump rope (8 sets total: alternating) + weight vest
20x Single 12kg kb walking lunge +weight vest/ 20x walking lunge
10x pull ups/ 30 sec rope pull/ 10x 90lb rows - 3 rounds
Intended to do another round of push ups but had to give up at the end.
445PM, Burn 60 with Kris and Andrew, 40 mins
1/4 mile @ 9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5x Bag GU/ 10x Hoist/ 50x Row
4x 10 min rounds
Thomas was supposed to join but he slept in.......
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016
645AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins + weight vest
Tabata sets (20/10)
Squats x8 (continuous)::8.0 Run/ Heavy Bag (4/4 continuous)
14kg kb push press/ Jump rope (4/4 alternating)::Sit ups/ Leg raises (4,4 alternating)
KB push presses were truly awful. Had to stop every 5 to 6 reps!
430PM, Burn60 with Kris, 42 mins
0.5 miles @8.0/ 10x TUR/ 20x Hoist/ 5,5x 45lb kb gu+4 combos/ 100 pulls
2 rounds. Tough workout. Not fun.
Monday, May 2nd, 2016
830AM, LockBox, ~1-1/2 hrs
~30 mins run to gym
1 min ski/ 50,50x single arm rope slams/ 15 push pike/ 15 pull ups/ 30 sec assault bike
<7 mins per round/ 4 rounds
~30 mins run home
Sunday, May 1st, 2016
6PM, UCLA with Steve and Janet, ~30 mins
3x 10 ring pull throughs
4x 100m/ 3x 200m
730PM, Burn60, 60 mins
0.5 miles @8.0/ 30x body row/ 5,5x kb GU/ 15,15x single arm row/ 10x 75lb renegades/ 5s kb single arm combos
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016
830AM, LockBox, 45 mins
box jumps/ring push/ ring pull/ cross hand pull ups/ kb single combos/ 2kb goblets/ kb renegades/ dead hang/ farmer walk
15 mins per round/ 3 rounds
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016
1045AM, LockBox, 1 hour 15 mins
500m row/ ball throw + slam every target - 2 rounds - 15 mins
500m row/ 4x mu-pull combo/ 15x moving water bag/ kb moving combo - 2 rounds - 15 mins
15 mins karate/ 15 min ski/ 15 min stretch
445PM, Burn60 with Thomas and Travell, 43 mins
0.5 miles @8.0/ 10x TUR/ 8,8x GU/ 20x Hoist
3 rounds
Round 2 was absolutely brutal!
Monday, April 25th, 2016
430PM, LockBox, 38 mins
10 cal assault bike/ 15 body rows/ 5 plate stand/ 10 pull ups/ 5 push dip - 3 rounds @ 5 mins per round
5x 60lb renegades/ 2x mu/ 10x 45lb db snatch/ 10x leg raise/ 10x single arm row rotate - 3 rounds in 14 mins
2 minsx :row/ plank/ ski/ jump rope
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
445PM, Burn60 with Kris, 25 mins
10x Goblets/ TUR walk/ 20x 50lb kb snatches/ 20x double 45lb kb cleans/ TUR Walk
5 rounds at 5 mins per round
Last round was tough
6PM, Burn60
Kris's class
Monday, April 18th, 2016
10AM, LockBox, ~20 mins
1,000m row <4 mins/ 2x rope climbs/ Bag drags/ MU combinations/ 10x 45lb plate sled push
430PM, Gym with Steve, 12 mins
20/10 Tabata - 8 consecutive rounds
Jump rope/ rope pull/ sit up-leg raise
Friday, April 15th, 2016
430PM, Gym with Steve and Kris, 20 mins
+ 25lb weight vest
3x Bag GU/ 5x TUR/ 10x Sasquatch DeepSwing/ 5x wall walk + hold
3x ~6 min rounds
Thursday, April 14th, 2016
8PM, Burn60 with Thomas
0.25 mile @ 9.0/ 5x 100lb sandbag TUR/ 5,5x 50lb sandbag GU/ 5x 100lb sandbag Hoist
The plan was to do 4 rounds in under 20 mins but we weren't sure if it could actually be done.
4 rounds in 19:40/ (Thomas in 21:22)
Round 3 was brutal. Last round was no fun either:)
Monday, April 11th, 2016
445PM, Burn60, ~22 mins
0.25 mile/ 4x TUR/ 4,4 x GU/ 4x Hoist
Round 1: 7:00/ Round 2: 6:00/ Round 3: 5:00/ Round 4: 25
A potential 40 min workout cut in half!
Sunday, April 10th, 2016
3PM, Burn60, ~50 mins
1 mile @8.0/ 10x kb GU/ 10x 20lb ball slams/ 10x 75lb renegades/ 10x kb combos
Round 1: 22 mins
Round 2: 25 mins
Saturday, April 9th, 2016
1015AM, LockBox, ~21 mins
150m ski/ 10 cals assault bike/ 5s kb/ 10x rings: dip-pull-push
3 rounds @ ~7 mins per round
Thursday, April 7th, 2016
815AM, LockBox, 30 mins
+ weight vest
10 knee tap push up/ 10 body rows/ 5,5,5 ball slams/ 10 goblet squats/ 10 pull ups/ 50 step kb farmer/ bear crawl/ 10 lunges/ 10 squats
3 rounds @ <10 mins per round
Tuesday, April 5th, 2016
4PM, Burn 60
16 min run to work
10x TUR/ Hoist/ GU + 9x TUR/ Hoist/ GU - 20 mins for 76 reps
Monday, April 4th, 2016
11AM, LockBox with Kris, ~40 mins
5 reps
Single arm pull ups/ Single arm rows/ double kb combos/ single kb combos/ muscle ups/ tug of war/ calories on airdyne
2 rounds
Kris ripped his hand apart on the 2nd round
Saturday, April 2nd, 2016
8AM, 3.6 mile run to work ~30 mins
9AM, LockBox, 30 mins
6x 5 min rounds
Combinations of:: kb/ dead hang/ body row /body lowering
1215PM, 3.6 mile run home ~40 mins
Monday, April 4th, 2016
11AM, LockBox with Kris, ~40 mins
5 reps
Single arm pull ups/ Single arm rows/ double kb combos/ single kb combos/ muscle ups/ tug of war/ calories on airdyne
2 rounds
Kris ripped his hand apart on the 2nd round
Saturday, April 2nd, 2016
8AM, 3.6 mile run to work ~30 mins
9AM, LockBox, 30 mins
6x 5 min rounds
Combinations of:: kb/ dead hang/ body row /body lowering
1215PM, 3.6 mile run home ~40 mins
Friday, March 26th, 2016
11AM, Gym with Steve, 26 mins
6PM, Burn60, Class by Andrew
Thursday, March 25th, 2016
430PM, Ballet Bodies with Romi, 40 mins
6's - 4 rounds - 10 mins per round
0.5 miles @8.0/ 6x TUR throw/ 3,3 Bag GU/ 6x KB single arm - 2 rounds
0.5 miles @8.0/ 6x Hoist/ 3,3 Bag GU/ 6x KB single arm - 2 rounds
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016
11AM, Ballet Bodies with Romi, 1 hour
5PM, Burn60, 30 mins
1/4 mile @ 8.0/ 4x TUR/ 4,4 Bag GU/ 4,4,4 Ball Slams
4 rounds, ~7-1/2 mins per round
Monday, March 21st, 2016
1045AM, LockBox, >30 mins
250 m row/ 25,25,25 rope slams/ 25 ring rows/ 25 kb swings/ 2x mu/ sled push/ bear crawl/ crab walk
+ one set of 5x wall walk to push
3 rounds
610PM, LockBox, 1:34:55 ski
20,017 metres
Blisters on both hands afterwards. Not fun.
Sunday, March 20th, 2016
1230PM, Burn60 class with Steve, 20 mins
20/ 10 Tabata - 4 consecutive sets
Deep swing/ TUR/ Renegade burpees
3x 1 min sprints with 30 sec recovery
20/10 Tabata - - 4 consecutive sets
Pull ups/ push ups/ jump lunges
Sick afterwards and had a headache.
Tuesday, March 15th, 2016
630AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
+25 lb weight vest
5x TUR/ 10x Deep swing/ 3 push renegades/ 2x kb push press
2 rounds.
The TUR sets were the worst I have ever done. Renegades were also brutal - we started out doing 5 pushes but had to drop to 3. Weight vest changes everything.
5PM, Burn 60, 29 mins
0.25 @ 8.5/ 10 hoists/ 10 TUR throws/ 5,5 GU
3 rounds (10/10/9)
Monday, March 14th, 2016
11AM, LockBox, 30 mins
4x wall walk handstand push/ 8x box jumps/ 8x ring push/ 8x 20lb ball throws/ 8x bar push dip/ 300m row ~ 1 min
4 rounds
6PM, LockBox, 36 mins work
500m ski/ 2 min jump rope/ 10 rep combos with 24kg kb
4 rounds <9 mins each
2nd and 4th round wearing elevation mask
Saturday, March 12th, 2016
1030AM, LockBox
5,000m ski - 21:45
Friday, March 11th, 2016
715 AM, Gym with Steve, ~12 mins
20 sec on/10 sec off
Lunge downhill/ Burpee walk back up
Walk of death down and up
10AM, LockBox
5 pull ups/ 10 push ups/ 15 squats - 10 rounds in 10 mins (first 5 rounds with weight vest)
50 sec ski/ 50 sec kb swing (30 swings) - 5 rounds in 10 mins
Thursday, March 10th, 2016
430PM, Burn60
0.25 miles @ 8.0/ 10x Hoist/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 x GU
3 rounds @ ~10 mins per round, ~30 mins + 0.25 mile finish
Wednesday, March 9th, 2016
11AM, LockBox
15x pull ups/ 10x box jumps/ 25x body rows/ 5x 45lb plate floor to ovh/ 1x slow mu + 1x mu/ 5x single arm kb combos/ 1 min kb farmer hold/ 1 min ski
3 rounds @ ~10 mins per round, ~30 mins
Monday, March 7th, 2016
11AM, LockBox
10x leg raises/ 10x kb bench/ 15x pull ups/ 20x body rows/ 15x kb swing
3 rounds @ 5 mins per round, ~15 mins
Plate push-up jump to rotate press/ 5,5x 16kg kb bench to standing press/ 5x double kb combinations/ 2x hand release slow ring MU/ 1 min kb farmer hold
3 rounds @ 7 mins per round, ~21 mins
Plate exercise was brand new, as was kb bench to standing press!
Thursday, March 3rd, 2016
10AM, LockBox, ~25 mins
30 elastic rope slams/ 10x double kb combinations/ 1x slow ring MU
3 or 4 rounds, can't remember.
415PM, Burn60, 40 mins
0.25 @8.0 run/ 5x TUR/ 6x Hoist/ 4,4x Bag GU/ 10x gorilla deep swing/ 5x gorilla long swing
4 rounds
Felt weak on the run.
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, <20 mins
Lunge down driveway/ bound back up (56 bounds)
10x10 hand release push ups
Tuesday, March 1st, 2016
10AM, LockBox, 30 mins
500m row< 2 mins/ 25 ring rows/ 5x 20lb ball slams/ rope climb/ 10x push-dip/ 3x45lb sled push/ 2x Ring MU
3 rounds
11AM, Ballet, 1 hour
430PM, Burn60, 40 mins
0.25 miles @8.0/ 5x TUR/ 4x Hoist/ 3,3 GU/ 10x 20lb side2side slams/ 5'sx Orangutan KB
4 rounds @ 10 mins per round
Monday, February 29th, 2016
11AM, LockBox, 30 mins
500m row<2 mins/ 10x 30lb ball throws/ 10x kb renegades/ 20x 45lb plate rotate push/ 1 min kb farmer hold
3 rounds
Saturday, February 27th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve
20x kb push press/ 10x sit ups/ 10x leg raises/ 20x 90lb db rows/ 20x alternating 55lb db bent over rows
3rounds @ 3 mins per round
+ 10x everything + 10 sit ups
300 reps.
Monday, February 22nd, 2016
815PM, Burn60 with Kris and Ella, 34:15
0.25 mile sprint/ 10x renegades (alternating between 45 or 40lb db)/ 10x 20lb ball slams/ 5x kb combos (alternating between heavy & light)
5 rounds
KB grip was excruciating by the end of each first set.
Sunday, February 21st, 2016
8AM, SM Stairs with Steve, ~30 mins
25lb weight vests/ run-2 step stairs-30 lunges-3 rounds
Saturday, February 20th, 2016
630AM, Sunset run with Josh, 51 mins
Hard pace. I mistakenly thought that due to his injuries Josh would be slower than me. Big mistake!
1230PM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
10x Straight arm KB walking lunge/ 5x bag GU/ 10x Straight arm kb stand up/ 5x 2 push renegades/ 10x 55lb bent over row
2 rounds
6x TUR with 2x 10 sec holds
Left then right for the first three exercises. Really tough workout. A lot of movement.
Thursday, February 18th, 2016
615AM, Gym with Steve
5 pull ups/ 10 push ups - 10 rounds
50x squats + weight vest - 3 rounds
1 mile run in ~9 mins/ 3 min jump rope/ 2 min plank
415PM, Burn60, 32 mins
0.5 mile run/ 40lb kb combinations (swing-pull-clean-snatch)/ 30lb 2xkb combinations (swing-pull-clean)
3 rounds
Wednesday, February 17th, 2016
715AM, LockBox
2,000m ski
430PM, Burn 60, ~30 mins
0.5 mile run/ 5x TUR/ 10x Hoist/ 20x Gorilla swing/ 20 push pike
Tuesday, February 16th, 2016
715AM, Gym with Steve, 20 mins
20/10 - Rope pull-jump rope - 4 rounds
5x TUR/ Hoist/ Renegades/Sasquatch Deep Swing - 1 round
915AM, LockBox, ~50 mins
Waterbag/ Box jumps/ leg raises/ farmers/ swings/ spidermans/ shadow boxing/ gas mask/ jump rope
430PM, Burn 60, 45 mins
0.5 mile run/ 5x TUR/ 3,3x Bag GU/2,2x Orangutan Bell GU/ 5x Hoist/ 10x Gorilla (deep swing)
3 rounds + 0.5 mile finish
Tough but not excruciating.
Thursday, February 11th, 2016
845AM, LockBox
5,000m ski in 21:44
4PM, Burn 60, 45 mins (+15 min run to gym)
5x TUR/ 3,3x Bag GU/ 5x Hoist/ 10x Gorilla (long swing alt deep swing)/ 0.25 miles @10.0
3 rounds
Wednesday, February 10th, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
25lb weight vest hell
Lunges down driveway/ bounds back up (53 bounds)
2x20x90lb db rows
Dry heaved afterwards.
Tuesday, February 9th, 2016
430PM, Burn 60, 41 mins
0.25 miles @10.0/ 10x TUR/ 4x Bear crawl/ 5,5 Bag GU/ 10x Hoist
3 rounds
+20 min run to work
Monday, February 8th, 2016
3PM, Gym with Steve, 20 mins
Push ups on 3 med balls/ Pull up hold/ KB push press
6 rounds
6PM, LockBox, ~40 mins
1 min jump rope/ Sled pull/ 500m ski/ 25-25 kb swings/ sled power push
3 rounds
Wednesday, February 10th, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
25lb weight vest hell
Lunges down driveway/ bounds back up (53 bounds)
Can't remember the rest but it was bad.
Tuesday, February 9th, 2016
430PM, Burn 60, 41 mins
0.25 miles @10.0/ 10x TUR/ 4x Bear crawl/ 5,5 Bag GU/ 10x Hoist
3 rounds
+20 min run to work
Monday, February 8th, 2016
3PM, Gym with Steve, 20 mins
Push ups on 3 med balls/ Pull up hold/ KB push press
6 rounds
6PM, LockBox, ~40 mins
1 min jump rope/ Sled pull/ 500m ski/ 25-25 kb swings/ sled power push
3 rounds
Sunday, February 7th, 2016
8AM, SM stairs with Steve, >20 mins
3x stairs + 30 lunges at the top + 25lb weight vest
Saturday, February 6th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
20/10- Squats/ Sit ups - 8 rounds
90lb db walk of death + 5 push/ 4 pull + 20 steps
Bent arm hang hold/ 55lb db bent over row - 3 rounds
30 min jog
Friday, February 5th, 2016
30 min jog
Thursday, February 4th, 2016
830AM, LockBox, ~20 mins
Ring swings/ 100lb db bear crawl/ bounds (+rotation)/ spiderman walks/ moving waterbag cleans
430PM, Burn 60, 40 mins
0.5 miles run/ 8x Hoist + 2 lunges/ 4x TUR/ 4l,r x Bag GU + 2 lunges/10x orangutan kb combinations (swing-high pull-clean-snatch)
Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016
6PM, LockBox
5,000m ski in 22:33
Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016
415PM, Burn 60
~20 min run to Burn 60.
3x ~9 min sets
5 TUR/ 10 Hoist/ 5+5 Bag GU/ 5 TUR/ 10x GorillaBell Deep Swing
5 TUR/ 5 Hoist/ 5+5 Bag GU/ 5 TUR/ 5 Hoist/ 10x GorillaBell Deep Swing
10x TUR/ 10x Hoist/ 5+5 Bag GU/ 10x GorillaBell Deep Swing
Monday, February 1st, 2016
10AM, LockBox, 15-1/2 mins
Ring Pull ups/ Toe to Rings/ Bar Crawl/ Bound
Bear crawl and bound distance decreased with every ring move.
615PM, LockBox, 20+ mins
1 min jump rope/ 1 min kb combinations.......
Finished with 3 sets using elevation mask
Sunday, January 31st, 2016
10AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
20/ 10 tabata
Squats/ jump rope/ kb deep swing/ Sit ups/ leg raises
The deep swing sequence was excruciating and almost not possible!
Thursday, January 28th, 2016
415PM, Burn60 WeHo with Kris, ~45 mins
1 mile sprint/ 6x TUR+ Throw/ 6x Hoist+ Lunge/ 6x Bag GU + 5x Squat Press
0.75 mile sprint +.........
0.5 mile sprint +..........
0.25 mile sprint to finish
No rush and enough recovery.
Sunday, January 10th, 2016
11AM, Stairs with Steve, ~24 mins
4 sets + 20 lunges + 25 push ups
25 min jog to Lockbox (3.6 miles)
10 PullUps/ 5x 20lb ball throws/ 20x ring pulls/ 5x 2-push kb renegades/ 5x 30lb ball throws/ 2x muscle ups/ 5x 45lb plate sit2stand/ 5,5 x 45lb plate rotation/ kb farmer-150m ski-kb farmer/ 10,10x kb/ 5,5x kb/ 5x 2-push 100lb db renegades
2 rounds, <20 mins each
35 min jog home
Saturday, January 2nd, 2016
930AM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
Squats/ Sit ups/ Leg raises/ kb push press/ kb squat swing/ lunges/ bounds
8x 20 secs on/10 secs off
Friday, January 1st, 2016
11AM, LockBox with Kris
500m row/ 15x band kb bench/ 50x ring row/ 50x rope slam/ plank/ 3 plate sled push/ rope climb
3 rounds.
Liam Glennon; MS, NASM, ACSM Perpetual Motion Trainingwww.perpetualmotiontraining.comPhone: (310) 270-3788
Liam Glennon <>
Nov 5, 2016, 11:51 AM
to me
Tuesday, Nov 2nd, 2016
10AM, LockBox with Daniel and Kris, 50 mins
All strength endurance.
5PM, LockBox
5,ooom ski
Tuesday, Nov 1st, 2016
7AM, Gym with Steve, <20 mins
1 min bike/ 1 min rope
5x 110lb Hoists/ 5x 90lb Renegades/ 5x 100lb TUR/ 3x wall walks + 3 holds on last one
1 min boxing/ 1 min bike
Beast! As always.
4PM, Burn 60 with Kris, 45 mins
0.25/ 5x 45lb kb long swing + thruster - walk - 5x long swing + thruster
0.5 mile run
50 burpees
1 mile run
Rough. Slightly sick afterwards.
Sunday, October 30th, 2016
7PM, Burn60 with Andrew, <50 mins
0.25 miles/ 5'sx Bag Get Ups/ 10'sx 45lb kb / 10x 45lb db renegades - 4 rounds
Saturday, October 29th, 2016
7PM, Burn60 with Andrew
1 mile run/ 50 rows/ 25 push pike/ 50 rows/ 25 push pike/ 1 mile run/ 50 rows/ 25 push pike/1 mile run
230PM, UCLA with Steve and Tara
2x 400m/ 2x 200m/ 4x 100m/ 2 step stairs
Tuesday, October 25th, 2016
445PM, Burn60 with Kris, 35 mins
0.5 miles/ 20x Gorilla swing/ 20x push pike/ 6's x 45lb kb doubles/ 50 rows - 3 rounds
KB doubles were a beast!
Monday, October 24th, 2016
7AM, Gym with Steve, 25 mins
8x 20/10 Tabata - Bike/ Rope pull - swap every set + 25lb vest
20 lunges/ 20 squats x4 + 25lb vest
10x med ball push + 10x floor push (50 rep total)
Nasty session
Sunday, October 23rd, 2016
630PM, Burn60 with Andrew, 50 mins
1 mile/ 50 x 45lb kb get ups (10/10/5/5/5/5/5/5)/ 80x 45lb kb singles/ 50 push pikes/ 100 rows/ 1 mile
Monday, October 17th, 2016
1130AM, LockBox with Kris, ~30 mins (+ 30 mins Mace and Kata)
Rope climb/ Push Dip - Bulgarian bag/ Ball slams - 2x MU - 50x rope slams/ Tug of war - 5s x 60lb db snatch
2 rounds (15 mins each)
Tug of war was hell
645PM, LockBox
2,000m row <8 mins
1,000m ski >8 mins
Sunday, October 16th, 2016
4PM, Gym with Steve, Kris and Andrew, 25 mins (18 mins total of work) + 25lb weight vest
Tabata: 20 secs on/ 10 secs off - 8 sets in a row of each exercise before moving on - 4 mins per set
90lb Renegade Rows/ Deep Squats/ Assault Bike/ Rope Pull
The recovery sets actually hurt more than the exercises. By set 3 on the bike legs and lungs were on fire.
50 walking lunges to finish.
Horrible workout. Nobody spoke for the entire duration.
Saturday, October 15th, 2016
130PM, Burn 60 with Andrew, 30 mins
0.25 miles/ 10x Ball slams/ 10'sx 45lb kb/ 20x side ball slams/ 6,6 ovh kb walking lunges
Sunday, July 31st, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
0.5 mile jog
10 squats/ 10 burpees/ 10 lunges/ 10 jump-lunge-squat/ 50 sit ups + weight vest
2 rounds
0.5 mile jog
2.5 mile jog ~25 mins
~30 min swim with Andrew
2.5 mile jog ~30 mins
Saturday, July 30th, 2016
8AM, LockBox with Steve, 30 mins
Mace/ Bulgarian bag/ Club
7PM, Burn 60, ~1 hr
0.25 miles @9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5x Bag GU/ 10x 1.5 pood dwing/ 10x 2 pood swing/ 10s 45lb kb singles/ 50 rows/ 10x Hoist
2 rounds @ 15 mins each
Karate - 30 mins
Thursday, July 28th, 2016
3PM, Gym with Steve, ~22 mins
60 sec rope pull/ 10 pull ups/ 5 Renegades/ 60 sec punching bag/ 10x med ball push ups off bench
3 rounds
8PM, Burn 60 with Andrew, 30 mins
0.25 @ 8.0/ 5,5 Bag GU/ 25 slow body rows/ 10,10x 45lb kb clean + press
3 rounds + 50 push ups
Wednesday, July 27th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins + weight vest
50 deep squats/ 50 lunges/ 50 sit up-leg raise
2 rounds
Sunday, July 17th, 2016
8PM, Burn 60, 27:28
25 push pike/ 50 rows/ 0.25 @ 10.0
4 rounds
Tuesday, July 12th, 2016
4PM, LockBox with Pooch
15 pull ups/ 10x push dip/ Tug of War/ Ring swing/ Elastic slams/ 500m ski
Sunday, June 19th, 2016
1130AM, Gym with Steve, 22 mins + 25lb weight vest
100 straight deep squats/ 5x 20 lunges (10 sec breaks)/ 30-30-20-20: Sit ups/Leg Raises
630PM, LockBox, 45 mins
21 mins club/ mace/ karate
22 mins:: 2 rounds =>
500m ski/ 20 pull ups/ 10x push pike + 5 rope slams/ 50 elastic rope slams/ 10x 20lb slamball/ 15x ring row/ 10x 10lb slamball
Hot as hell. Got a headache halfway through.
Saturday, June 18th, 2016
815AM, LockBox, ~1 hr
40x 15lb mace 360/ 20 cal ski/ 20 pull ups/ 20 push ups/ 20x kb swings/ sled push/ 40x 15lb mace 180
3 rounds, 10 mins per round
Boxing with Matt
Thursday, June 16th, 2016
445PM, Burn60 with Andrew and Kris, 40 mins
0.25 @ 9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 50lb kb GU/ 5s double 45lb kb/ 50 body rows
3 rounds
Round 1 & 2 = 10 mins each. Round 3 we added some movements in and took our time
Tuesday, June 14th, 2016
8AM, LockBox, ~2 hrs
Club/ Mace/ Rope climbs/ Karate
5PM, Burn60, 30 mins
0.25 @ 8.0/ 4x TUR/ 4,4 Bag GU/ 4s double 45lb kb/ 4x Hoist/ 25 body rows
3x 10 min rounds
Absolutely exhausted during workout!
Monday, June 13th, 2016
445AM, Burn60, 30 mins
0.25 @ 9.0/ 5x 75lb renegades/ 5x bal slams/ 5,5 KB GU/ 10 ball slams/ 5s x 40lb kb doubles
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~15 mins
50 squats/ 1 min rope pull
1/2 Walk of death + 10 push 10 pull x2
5x TUR/ 5,5 KB pull squat press/ 5x Sasquatch swing
Monday, May 31st, 2016
7AM, Gym with Steve, 25 mins + weight vest, 14:30
Tabata Sets
Squats/ Sit ups - Leg Raises/ Push Ups - Rope pull/ KB jumping jacks
Walk 1/2 driveway + 10 renegades/ Walk back + 10 renegades
Felt sick and nearly puked after I put the dbs down. Very tough workout.
Tuesday, June 7th, 2016
645AM, LockBox, 5 mins
Karate/ Mace/ Club
930AM, Burn60, Class
12AM, Pool with Kris, ~30 mins
Laps/ KB swings/ 30l ball slams/ Muscle ups out of the pool
445PM, Burn60, 35 mins
1/4 mile run @9.0/ 10x TUR/ 10x Hoist/ 4,4 GU/ 6s x Double 45lb KB/ 30x rows
3 rounds - The KB sets were the worst I've ever done
Monday, May 31st, 2016
7AM, Gym with Steve, 25 mins
10x weight vest burpees
Walk of death + 3 push/4 pull 20 yard renegades - 11 mins+
30x pull ups/ 60x 15lb db shoulder raises
Longest walk of death we have ever done! Took forever. Steve dropped the the weights on the way down, Left db woeked it's way down to my fingertips so I had to run to the bottom before I dropped it!
830AM, LockBox, ~40 mins
25x [Row cals/ pull ups/ push pikes/ body rows/ bike cals/ ski cals] - 2 rounds in 22:43
Kata/ Club/ Mace
4PM, Burn60, 35 mins
1/4 mile run @9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 GU/ 10x Hoist/ 50x rows/ 10x push through
3 rounds
Sunday, May 29th, 2016
7AM, Burn60, 40 mins
0.5 mile run/ 10x 75lb renegades/ 3,3x 56lb kb get ups/ 10x 20lb ball slams/ 10x single kb combos
3 rounds
Saturday, May 28th, 2016
7AM, UCLA with Steve, ~20 mins
Thursday, May 26th, 2016
1030AM, Burn60, 20 mins
45lb kb double and single 10 rep combinations
Bulgarian bag combinations
430PM, 35 mins run
Run from LockBox to Burn60
515PM, Burn60, 24 mins
5x TUR/ 5,5 GU (2 with 50lb bag, 3 with 50lb kb)/ 10x Bulgarian bag grip squats ~5 mins per round
10 mins kata
Tuesday, May 24th, 2016
1015AM, LockBox
3 min plank/ 5:48, 100 cals on ski
15 pull ups/ 5x 100lb renegades/ 10x 60lb db snatch
12PM, Ballet Bodies
1 hour stretch with Romi
430PM, Burn60, 30 mins
0.25 @8.0/ 10x Bulgarian bag drop squats/ 10x 45lb kb singles/ 10x hoist/ 10x kb doubles/ 20x Bulgarian bag 360
2 rounds @ 15:00 per round
Monday, May 23rd, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins
Tabata - Rope pull/ Gorilla KB Deep Swing/ Jump rope - Sit ups/ Leg raises
2x - 5x 110lb TUR/ 5x 50lb Bag Snatch
12PM, LockBox, 20 mins
Mace/ Club/ Karate
6PM, LockBox, 25 mins
5 min sets: Ski (75 cals)/ Blue KB/ Club/ Mace/ Karate
Sunday, May 22nd, 2016
1015AM, UCLA with Steve, ~25 mins
3x10 Ring pull lift/ 3x20 Push Ups
Couple of 200s and 100s.
Tough comeback to the track.
Saturday, May 21st, 2016
10AM, LockBox, 50 mins
Mace/ Club/ Karate
25/20/15/10/5 - Cals and reps. - Row/ Pull/ Push/ Bike/ Ski
Broke the 30 min barrier!!!!! Last round hurt!
Thursday, May 19th, 2016
420PM, Burn60 with Thomas
0.25 miles/ 5 TUR/ 5,5 GU/ 5 Hoist - 4 rounds in 19:15
Excruciating by round 3.
kb and double kb combinations/ Bulgarian bag - 20 mins
Wednesday, May 18th, 2016
1130AM, LockBox
25x - cals row/ pull ups/ push ups/ bike/ ski - 20/15/10/5 - 34 mins
Tuesday, May 17th, 2016
945AM, LockBox
25x - cals row/ pull ups/ push ups/ bike/ ski - 20/15/10/5 - 36 mins
445PM, Burn60, 29 mins
0.25 @ 8.0/ 5 TUR/ 5,5 GU/ 25 Rows/ 10 Hoist/ 10x Long Swing
Monday, May 16th, 2016
530PM, LockBox, 39 mins
25x - cals row/ pull ups/ push ups/ bike/ ski
30+ min run to Burn60 + 45 min class with Rebecca
Monday, May 9th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~15 mins + 25lb weight vest
120 yards of lunges downhill/ 5 push + 1 burpee plus 10 bounds uphill 120 yards
kb farmers
245PM, Burn60 with Kris, 40+ mins
0.25 sprint/ 20x push up variation/ 10x 25lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 45lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 10,10 single arm rows
0.25 sprint/ 20x push up variation/ 10x 30lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 50lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 10,10 single arm rows
0.25 sprint/ 20x push up variation/ 5x 25lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 30lb 2kb drop lunge snatch/ 5x 45lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 5x 50lb push to kb clean-snatch/ 10,10 single arm rows
It all fell apart on the second round. First round was finished under 10 mins. Supposed to do 4 rounds but we couldn't finish. The push up combinations killed us.
Sunday, May 8th, 2016
7PM, Burn60, ~1 hour
0.25 @9.0/ double kb combos/ push combos
0.25 @9.0/ Kata
0.5 @ 9.0/ double kb combos/ push combos
1 mile @ 9.0 (finished at 12.5) - 6:38
Friday, May 6th, 2016
615AM, Gym with Steve, <25 mins
Tabata - Sit ups/ push ups x4-Leg raises/ push ups x4: + 25lb weight vest
90lb db 120 yard Walk of death (1:15/ 120 yard walk stopping every 20 yards for 5x push ups + 1x burpee
5x 110lb Sandbag TUR
- 2 Sets with a hold on the last rep.
Very tough workout. Almost immediate failure on the push ups. Completely hunched over and down to my fingertips for grip on the last few steps of the walk of death. Steve held the bag overhead for over 40 seconds on the last rep of the workout.
5PM, Burn 60 with Andrew, 21 mins
0.25 miles @9.0/ 20x 30lb kb double combos (clean-snatch-clean and snatch alternate high hand/ 5x GU/ 10x Hoist - 3 rounds
6PM, Burn60 class by Andrew, 45 mins
1x 15.0 sprint for about 40 seconds. Great class!
Thursday, May 5th, 2016
930AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins
Tabata sets (20/10) - 14kg kb push press/ jump rope (8 sets total: alternating) + weight vest
20x Single 12kg kb walking lunge +weight vest/ 20x walking lunge
10x pull ups/ 30 sec rope pull/ 10x 90lb rows - 3 rounds
Intended to do another round of push ups but had to give up at the end.
445PM, Burn 60 with Kris and Andrew, 40 mins
1/4 mile @ 9.0/ 5x TUR/ 5,5x Bag GU/ 10x Hoist/ 50x Row
4x 10 min rounds
Thomas was supposed to join but he slept in.......
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016
645AM, Gym with Steve, ~25 mins + weight vest
Tabata sets (20/10)
Squats x8 (continuous)::8.0 Run/ Heavy Bag (4/4 continuous)
14kg kb push press/ Jump rope (4/4 alternating)::Sit ups/ Leg raises (4,4 alternating)
KB push presses were truly awful. Had to stop every 5 to 6 reps!
430PM, Burn60 with Kris, 42 mins
0.5 miles @8.0/ 10x TUR/ 20x Hoist/ 5,5x 45lb kb gu+4 combos/ 100 pulls
2 rounds. Tough workout. Not fun.
Monday, May 2nd, 2016
830AM, LockBox, ~1-1/2 hrs
~30 mins run to gym
1 min ski/ 50,50x single arm rope slams/ 15 push pike/ 15 pull ups/ 30 sec assault bike
<7 mins per round/ 4 rounds
~30 mins run home
Sunday, May 1st, 2016
6PM, UCLA with Steve and Janet, ~30 mins
3x 10 ring pull throughs
4x 100m/ 3x 200m
730PM, Burn60, 60 mins
0.5 miles @8.0/ 30x body row/ 5,5x kb GU/ 15,15x single arm row/ 10x 75lb renegades/ 5s kb single arm combos
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016
830AM, LockBox, 45 mins
box jumps/ring push/ ring pull/ cross hand pull ups/ kb single combos/ 2kb goblets/ kb renegades/ dead hang/ farmer walk
15 mins per round/ 3 rounds
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016
1045AM, LockBox, 1 hour 15 mins
500m row/ ball throw + slam every target - 2 rounds - 15 mins
500m row/ 4x mu-pull combo/ 15x moving water bag/ kb moving combo - 2 rounds - 15 mins
15 mins karate/ 15 min ski/ 15 min stretch
445PM, Burn60 with Thomas and Travell, 43 mins
0.5 miles @8.0/ 10x TUR/ 8,8x GU/ 20x Hoist
3 rounds
Round 2 was absolutely brutal!
Monday, April 25th, 2016
430PM, LockBox, 38 mins
10 cal assault bike/ 15 body rows/ 5 plate stand/ 10 pull ups/ 5 push dip - 3 rounds @ 5 mins per round
5x 60lb renegades/ 2x mu/ 10x 45lb db snatch/ 10x leg raise/ 10x single arm row rotate - 3 rounds in 14 mins
2 minsx :row/ plank/ ski/ jump rope
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
445PM, Burn60 with Kris, 25 mins
10x Goblets/ TUR walk/ 20x 50lb kb snatches/ 20x double 45lb kb cleans/ TUR Walk
5 rounds at 5 mins per round
Last round was tough
6PM, Burn60
Kris's class
Monday, April 18th, 2016
10AM, LockBox, ~20 mins
1,000m row <4 mins/ 2x rope climbs/ Bag drags/ MU combinations/ 10x 45lb plate sled push
430PM, Gym with Steve, 12 mins
20/10 Tabata - 8 consecutive rounds
Jump rope/ rope pull/ sit up-leg raise
Friday, April 15th, 2016
430PM, Gym with Steve and Kris, 20 mins
+ 25lb weight vest
3x Bag GU/ 5x TUR/ 10x Sasquatch DeepSwing/ 5x wall walk + hold
3x ~6 min rounds
Thursday, April 14th, 2016
8PM, Burn60 with Thomas
0.25 mile @ 9.0/ 5x 100lb sandbag TUR/ 5,5x 50lb sandbag GU/ 5x 100lb sandbag Hoist
The plan was to do 4 rounds in under 20 mins but we weren't sure if it could actually be done.
4 rounds in 19:40/ (Thomas in 21:22)
Round 3 was brutal. Last round was no fun either:)
Monday, April 11th, 2016
445PM, Burn60, ~22 mins
0.25 mile/ 4x TUR/ 4,4 x GU/ 4x Hoist
Round 1: 7:00/ Round 2: 6:00/ Round 3: 5:00/ Round 4: 25
A potential 40 min workout cut in half!
Sunday, April 10th, 2016
3PM, Burn60, ~50 mins
1 mile @8.0/ 10x kb GU/ 10x 20lb ball slams/ 10x 75lb renegades/ 10x kb combos
Round 1: 22 mins
Round 2: 25 mins
Saturday, April 9th, 2016
1015AM, LockBox, ~21 mins
150m ski/ 10 cals assault bike/ 5s kb/ 10x rings: dip-pull-push
3 rounds @ ~7 mins per round
Thursday, April 7th, 2016
815AM, LockBox, 30 mins
+ weight vest
10 knee tap push up/ 10 body rows/ 5,5,5 ball slams/ 10 goblet squats/ 10 pull ups/ 50 step kb farmer/ bear crawl/ 10 lunges/ 10 squats
3 rounds @ <10 mins per round
Tuesday, April 5th, 2016
4PM, Burn 60
16 min run to work
10x TUR/ Hoist/ GU + 9x TUR/ Hoist/ GU - 20 mins for 76 reps
Monday, April 4th, 2016
11AM, LockBox with Kris, ~40 mins
5 reps
Single arm pull ups/ Single arm rows/ double kb combos/ single kb combos/ muscle ups/ tug of war/ calories on airdyne
2 rounds
Kris ripped his hand apart on the 2nd round
Saturday, April 2nd, 2016
8AM, 3.6 mile run to work ~30 mins
9AM, LockBox, 30 mins
6x 5 min rounds
Combinations of:: kb/ dead hang/ body row /body lowering
1215PM, 3.6 mile run home ~40 mins
Monday, April 4th, 2016
11AM, LockBox with Kris, ~40 mins
5 reps
Single arm pull ups/ Single arm rows/ double kb combos/ single kb combos/ muscle ups/ tug of war/ calories on airdyne
2 rounds
Kris ripped his hand apart on the 2nd round
Saturday, April 2nd, 2016
8AM, 3.6 mile run to work ~30 mins
9AM, LockBox, 30 mins
6x 5 min rounds
Combinations of:: kb/ dead hang/ body row /body lowering
1215PM, 3.6 mile run home ~40 mins
Friday, March 26th, 2016
11AM, Gym with Steve, 26 mins
6PM, Burn60, Class by Andrew
Thursday, March 25th, 2016
430PM, Ballet Bodies with Romi, 40 mins
6's - 4 rounds - 10 mins per round
0.5 miles @8.0/ 6x TUR throw/ 3,3 Bag GU/ 6x KB single arm - 2 rounds
0.5 miles @8.0/ 6x Hoist/ 3,3 Bag GU/ 6x KB single arm - 2 rounds
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016
11AM, Ballet Bodies with Romi, 1 hour
5PM, Burn60, 30 mins
1/4 mile @ 8.0/ 4x TUR/ 4,4 Bag GU/ 4,4,4 Ball Slams
4 rounds, ~7-1/2 mins per round
Monday, March 21st, 2016
1045AM, LockBox, >30 mins
250 m row/ 25,25,25 rope slams/ 25 ring rows/ 25 kb swings/ 2x mu/ sled push/ bear crawl/ crab walk
+ one set of 5x wall walk to push
3 rounds
610PM, LockBox, 1:34:55 ski
20,017 metres
Blisters on both hands afterwards. Not fun.
Sunday, March 20th, 2016
1230PM, Burn60 class with Steve, 20 mins
20/ 10 Tabata - 4 consecutive sets
Deep swing/ TUR/ Renegade burpees
3x 1 min sprints with 30 sec recovery
20/10 Tabata - - 4 consecutive sets
Pull ups/ push ups/ jump lunges
Sick afterwards and had a headache.
Tuesday, March 15th, 2016
630AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
+25 lb weight vest
5x TUR/ 10x Deep swing/ 3 push renegades/ 2x kb push press
2 rounds.
The TUR sets were the worst I have ever done. Renegades were also brutal - we started out doing 5 pushes but had to drop to 3. Weight vest changes everything.
5PM, Burn 60, 29 mins
0.25 @ 8.5/ 10 hoists/ 10 TUR throws/ 5,5 GU
3 rounds (10/10/9)
Monday, March 14th, 2016
11AM, LockBox, 30 mins
4x wall walk handstand push/ 8x box jumps/ 8x ring push/ 8x 20lb ball throws/ 8x bar push dip/ 300m row ~ 1 min
4 rounds
6PM, LockBox, 36 mins work
500m ski/ 2 min jump rope/ 10 rep combos with 24kg kb
4 rounds <9 mins each
2nd and 4th round wearing elevation mask
Saturday, March 12th, 2016
1030AM, LockBox
5,000m ski - 21:45
Friday, March 11th, 2016
715 AM, Gym with Steve, ~12 mins
20 sec on/10 sec off
Lunge downhill/ Burpee walk back up
Walk of death down and up
10AM, LockBox
5 pull ups/ 10 push ups/ 15 squats - 10 rounds in 10 mins (first 5 rounds with weight vest)
50 sec ski/ 50 sec kb swing (30 swings) - 5 rounds in 10 mins
Thursday, March 10th, 2016
430PM, Burn60
0.25 miles @ 8.0/ 10x Hoist/ 5x TUR/ 5,5 x GU
3 rounds @ ~10 mins per round, ~30 mins + 0.25 mile finish
Wednesday, March 9th, 2016
11AM, LockBox
15x pull ups/ 10x box jumps/ 25x body rows/ 5x 45lb plate floor to ovh/ 1x slow mu + 1x mu/ 5x single arm kb combos/ 1 min kb farmer hold/ 1 min ski
3 rounds @ ~10 mins per round, ~30 mins
Monday, March 7th, 2016
11AM, LockBox
10x leg raises/ 10x kb bench/ 15x pull ups/ 20x body rows/ 15x kb swing
3 rounds @ 5 mins per round, ~15 mins
Plate push-up jump to rotate press/ 5,5x 16kg kb bench to standing press/ 5x double kb combinations/ 2x hand release slow ring MU/ 1 min kb farmer hold
3 rounds @ 7 mins per round, ~21 mins
Plate exercise was brand new, as was kb bench to standing press!
Thursday, March 3rd, 2016
10AM, LockBox, ~25 mins
30 elastic rope slams/ 10x double kb combinations/ 1x slow ring MU
3 or 4 rounds, can't remember.
415PM, Burn60, 40 mins
0.25 @8.0 run/ 5x TUR/ 6x Hoist/ 4,4x Bag GU/ 10x gorilla deep swing/ 5x gorilla long swing
4 rounds
Felt weak on the run.
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, <20 mins
Lunge down driveway/ bound back up (56 bounds)
10x10 hand release push ups
Tuesday, March 1st, 2016
10AM, LockBox, 30 mins
500m row< 2 mins/ 25 ring rows/ 5x 20lb ball slams/ rope climb/ 10x push-dip/ 3x45lb sled push/ 2x Ring MU
3 rounds
11AM, Ballet, 1 hour
430PM, Burn60, 40 mins
0.25 miles @8.0/ 5x TUR/ 4x Hoist/ 3,3 GU/ 10x 20lb side2side slams/ 5'sx Orangutan KB
4 rounds @ 10 mins per round
Monday, February 29th, 2016
11AM, LockBox, 30 mins
500m row<2 mins/ 10x 30lb ball throws/ 10x kb renegades/ 20x 45lb plate rotate push/ 1 min kb farmer hold
3 rounds
Saturday, February 27th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve
20x kb push press/ 10x sit ups/ 10x leg raises/ 20x 90lb db rows/ 20x alternating 55lb db bent over rows
3rounds @ 3 mins per round
+ 10x everything + 10 sit ups
300 reps.
Monday, February 22nd, 2016
815PM, Burn60 with Kris and Ella, 34:15
0.25 mile sprint/ 10x renegades (alternating between 45 or 40lb db)/ 10x 20lb ball slams/ 5x kb combos (alternating between heavy & light)
5 rounds
KB grip was excruciating by the end of each first set.
Sunday, February 21st, 2016
8AM, SM Stairs with Steve, ~30 mins
25lb weight vests/ run-2 step stairs-30 lunges-3 rounds
Saturday, February 20th, 2016
630AM, Sunset run with Josh, 51 mins
Hard pace. I mistakenly thought that due to his injuries Josh would be slower than me. Big mistake!
1230PM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
10x Straight arm KB walking lunge/ 5x bag GU/ 10x Straight arm kb stand up/ 5x 2 push renegades/ 10x 55lb bent over row
2 rounds
6x TUR with 2x 10 sec holds
Left then right for the first three exercises. Really tough workout. A lot of movement.
Thursday, February 18th, 2016
615AM, Gym with Steve
5 pull ups/ 10 push ups - 10 rounds
50x squats + weight vest - 3 rounds
1 mile run in ~9 mins/ 3 min jump rope/ 2 min plank
415PM, Burn60, 32 mins
0.5 mile run/ 40lb kb combinations (swing-pull-clean-snatch)/ 30lb 2xkb combinations (swing-pull-clean)
3 rounds
Wednesday, February 17th, 2016
715AM, LockBox
2,000m ski
430PM, Burn 60, ~30 mins
0.5 mile run/ 5x TUR/ 10x Hoist/ 20x Gorilla swing/ 20 push pike
Tuesday, February 16th, 2016
715AM, Gym with Steve, 20 mins
20/10 - Rope pull-jump rope - 4 rounds
5x TUR/ Hoist/ Renegades/Sasquatch Deep Swing - 1 round
915AM, LockBox, ~50 mins
Waterbag/ Box jumps/ leg raises/ farmers/ swings/ spidermans/ shadow boxing/ gas mask/ jump rope
430PM, Burn 60, 45 mins
0.5 mile run/ 5x TUR/ 3,3x Bag GU/2,2x Orangutan Bell GU/ 5x Hoist/ 10x Gorilla (deep swing)
3 rounds + 0.5 mile finish
Tough but not excruciating.
Thursday, February 11th, 2016
845AM, LockBox
5,000m ski in 21:44
4PM, Burn 60, 45 mins (+15 min run to gym)
5x TUR/ 3,3x Bag GU/ 5x Hoist/ 10x Gorilla (long swing alt deep swing)/ 0.25 miles @10.0
3 rounds
Wednesday, February 10th, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
25lb weight vest hell
Lunges down driveway/ bounds back up (53 bounds)
2x20x90lb db rows
Dry heaved afterwards.
Tuesday, February 9th, 2016
430PM, Burn 60, 41 mins
0.25 miles @10.0/ 10x TUR/ 4x Bear crawl/ 5,5 Bag GU/ 10x Hoist
3 rounds
+20 min run to work
Monday, February 8th, 2016
3PM, Gym with Steve, 20 mins
Push ups on 3 med balls/ Pull up hold/ KB push press
6 rounds
6PM, LockBox, ~40 mins
1 min jump rope/ Sled pull/ 500m ski/ 25-25 kb swings/ sled power push
3 rounds
Wednesday, February 10th, 2016
815AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
25lb weight vest hell
Lunges down driveway/ bounds back up (53 bounds)
Can't remember the rest but it was bad.
Tuesday, February 9th, 2016
430PM, Burn 60, 41 mins
0.25 miles @10.0/ 10x TUR/ 4x Bear crawl/ 5,5 Bag GU/ 10x Hoist
3 rounds
+20 min run to work
Monday, February 8th, 2016
3PM, Gym with Steve, 20 mins
Push ups on 3 med balls/ Pull up hold/ KB push press
6 rounds
6PM, LockBox, ~40 mins
1 min jump rope/ Sled pull/ 500m ski/ 25-25 kb swings/ sled power push
3 rounds
Sunday, February 7th, 2016
8AM, SM stairs with Steve, >20 mins
3x stairs + 30 lunges at the top + 25lb weight vest
Saturday, February 6th, 2016
8AM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
20/10- Squats/ Sit ups - 8 rounds
90lb db walk of death + 5 push/ 4 pull + 20 steps
Bent arm hang hold/ 55lb db bent over row - 3 rounds
30 min jog
Friday, February 5th, 2016
30 min jog
Thursday, February 4th, 2016
830AM, LockBox, ~20 mins
Ring swings/ 100lb db bear crawl/ bounds (+rotation)/ spiderman walks/ moving waterbag cleans
430PM, Burn 60, 40 mins
0.5 miles run/ 8x Hoist + 2 lunges/ 4x TUR/ 4l,r x Bag GU + 2 lunges/10x orangutan kb combinations (swing-high pull-clean-snatch)
Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016
6PM, LockBox
5,000m ski in 22:33
Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016
415PM, Burn 60
~20 min run to Burn 60.
3x ~9 min sets
5 TUR/ 10 Hoist/ 5+5 Bag GU/ 5 TUR/ 10x GorillaBell Deep Swing
5 TUR/ 5 Hoist/ 5+5 Bag GU/ 5 TUR/ 5 Hoist/ 10x GorillaBell Deep Swing
10x TUR/ 10x Hoist/ 5+5 Bag GU/ 10x GorillaBell Deep Swing
Monday, February 1st, 2016
10AM, LockBox, 15-1/2 mins
Ring Pull ups/ Toe to Rings/ Bar Crawl/ Bound
Bear crawl and bound distance decreased with every ring move.
615PM, LockBox, 20+ mins
1 min jump rope/ 1 min kb combinations.......
Finished with 3 sets using elevation mask
Sunday, January 31st, 2016
10AM, Gym with Steve, ~20 mins
20/ 10 tabata
Squats/ jump rope/ kb deep swing/ Sit ups/ leg raises
The deep swing sequence was excruciating and almost not possible!
Thursday, January 28th, 2016
415PM, Burn60 WeHo with Kris, ~45 mins
1 mile sprint/ 6x TUR+ Throw/ 6x Hoist+ Lunge/ 6x Bag GU + 5x Squat Press
0.75 mile sprint +.........
0.5 mile sprint +..........
0.25 mile sprint to finish
No rush and enough recovery.
Sunday, January 10th, 2016
11AM, Stairs with Steve, ~24 mins
4 sets + 20 lunges + 25 push ups
25 min jog to Lockbox (3.6 miles)
10 PullUps/ 5x 20lb ball throws/ 20x ring pulls/ 5x 2-push kb renegades/ 5x 30lb ball throws/ 2x muscle ups/ 5x 45lb plate sit2stand/ 5,5 x 45lb plate rotation/ kb farmer-150m ski-kb farmer/ 10,10x kb/ 5,5x kb/ 5x 2-push 100lb db renegades
2 rounds, <20 mins each
35 min jog home
Saturday, January 2nd, 2016
930AM, Gym with Steve, ~30 mins
Squats/ Sit ups/ Leg raises/ kb push press/ kb squat swing/ lunges/ bounds
8x 20 secs on/10 secs off
Friday, January 1st, 2016
11AM, LockBox with Kris
500m row/ 15x band kb bench/ 50x ring row/ 50x rope slam/ plank/ 3 plate sled push/ rope climb
3 rounds.